• 2024 m. liepos 25 d., tobulindami tinklavietės tipografiją, naujinome šriftų šeimą „Georgia“ į „Georgia Pro“. Raginame pasitikrinti, ar jūsų kompiuteryje ir kituose e. įrenginiuose, kuriuose skaitote @eitį, yra įdiegta šriftų šeima „Georgia Pro“, o jei ne, įsidiegti. Tinklavietėje skaitydami informaciją, matysite dailesnius ir tikslesnius šriftus. Išsamiau apie numatytąją tinklavietės tipografiją žr. Žinynas > Technologija.

Straipsnis Kultūra ir religiniai uždaviniai globalizuotame pasaulyje

Culture and Religious Objectives in a Globalized World

  • Bibliographic Description: Povilas Aleksandravičius, „Kultūra ir religiniai uždaviniai globalizuotame pasaulyje“, @eitis (lt), 2020, t. 1 555, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Povilas Aleksandravičius, „Kultūra ir religiniai uždaviniai globalizuotame pasaulyje“, Socialinių mokslų studijos, 2017, t. 9, nr. 2, p. 136–148, ISSN 2029-2236.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Mykolo Romerio universiteto Humanitarinių mokslų instituto Vertybių tyrimų laboratorija.

Summary. The aim of the article is to identify the main objectives that arise for religions under conditions of globalization, as well as the conceptual approach that is necessary for their analysis. The theoretical perspective that has been selected is the concept of “work that has been advanced by soul” that unifies religion and culture. Culture is analyzed through the prism of the concepts of social communication and individual personification; meanwhile, religion is approached through the concept of the relationship with the absolute or infinity by highlighting both their mutual autonomy and their overlap. Nowadays, the conditions for both cultural life and religious life are undergoing radical transformations because of the process of globalization. In this article, globalization is defined as the increasing global interdependence of societies that is being driven by technology. The paradoxical nature of this process is noted: on the one hand, it poses a threat to the very cultural and religious identity of a person, but on the other hand, it creates conditions for a more intense interconnectedness of cultures and religions, and a new stage for the maturity (deepening) of this identity. In this context, the main objectives are being reformulated; these objectives arise out of the necessity to articulate changed modalities of the relationship with the absolute and spiritual movements of new types under conditions of globalization: making sense of technology, obtaining a new concept of authority, transformation of the relationships between religion and politics, universal ecumenism, rethinking the concept of truth, the search for a universal language, and the revival of a mystical stance.

Keywords: culture, religion, globalization, peace, technologies, authority, ecumenism, intuition, mysticism.

Viršutinė Apatinė