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Straipsnis Socialinis virsmas naujųjų laikų Europoje jūrinio visuomenės mentaliteto ugdymo požiūriu

Aktualu ugdyti visą žmogų jūrinei profesijai, nes darbe dalyvauja visas žmogus, t. y. visomis – fizinėmis, psichinėmis, dvasinėmis – savo galiomis. Tai visybišką mentalitetą, visas asmenybės galias plėtojantis ugdymas. Tačiau Europos aukštojo mokslo reglamentai ne visur ir ne visada gali būti įgyvendinti, ypač po didžiojo ideologinio virsmo XVI a. Europoje ir dėl jo susiformavusių siauresnio požiūrio į asmenybę, jūrinį mentalitetą bei jūrininkų ugdymą tradicijų.


1.Aptarus socialinio virsmo ideologinę problematiką bei charakterizavus technologinio ugdymo probleminę liniją, galima teigti, kad teologinės protestantų technokratizmo bei ekonomizmo tendencijos, paskatinusios naujųjų laikų jūrinės civilizacijos plėtrą, mentaliniu lygmeniu nusmukdė personalistinę visuomenės kultūrą, kurią bandoma psichologiškai kompensuoti akcentuojant jūrininkų rengimo technologinio modernizavimo pažangą, ignoruojant vertybinį požiūrį į jūrininko asmenybės saviraidos potencialą visybiško jūrinio mentaliteto ugdymo lygmeniu.

2. Atskleidus jūrininkų ugdymo idėjas aukštojo mokslo kontekste, galima formuluoti tezę, kad Europos aukštojo mokslo direktyvų ir Tarptautinės jūrų organizacijos Jūrininkų rengimo, atestavimo, budėjimo normų konvencijos darnos pobūdis bei poreikis yra pakankamai pagrįstas ontologiškai ir antropologiškai, išreikšta jūrinio mentaliteto formavimuisi aktuali jūrininko žmogiškųjų bei dalykinių kompetencijų vertybinės darnos esmė bei praktinė edukacinė siekiamybė.



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Social Transformation in Europe of the Modern Times Regarding the Development of the Maritime Mentality in Society

  • Bibliographic Description: Saulius Lileikis, „Socialinis virsmas naujųjų laikų Europoje jūrinio visuomenės mentaliteto ugdymo požiūriu“, @eitis (lt), 2019, t. 1 369, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Saulius Lileikis, „Socialinis virsmas naujųjų laikų Europoje jūrinio visuomenės mentaliteto ugdymo požiūriu“, Socialinis ugdymas, 2016, t. 43, nr. 2, p. 29–43, ISSN 1392-9569.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla.

Summary. The development of the maritime mentality in the society in the maritime state is characterized by the historical tradition. The educational development of the maritime mentality, partially related to Lithuania, is not consistent from the European point of view. The European and Lithuanian maritime sciences are not characterized by the social researches of the maritime mentality. The maritime mentality is a cogitation and life style, related to the sea, and a deep social feeling based on the historical tradition, customs culture and development of the conscious vocational decisions transferred from generation to generation. This development depends on the globally ideological transformations, cultural leaps and decline of the society. A special social transformation in Europe was spread along with the Protestantism in 16–17th centuries that has affected the ideological and technological direction of the new times. Protestantism has affected the nowadays tendencies of the higher education development in Europe. The scientific problem, by connecting the relevant ideological, technological and educational moments of the maritime mentality, is not investigated usually. The leadership is more investigated in the social sciences related to the sea. However, the researches of the leadership are rarely connected to the valuable education of the integral personality who is psycho-socially and vocationally enriched.

The ideological and social influences of the protestant mentality are globally investigated. The development of the maritime mentality in the society of the new times is not critically investigated in regard to the technology and policy of the higher education. The maritime mentality and social transformations of its development are not secondary ones. The sea might be as a social ideology and some natural indicator of the social approach, e.g., like a place of the philosophy in the higher education. We can find a lot of researches of the technological influence, of its educational evaluation and problems of the higher education. There are a few complex researches of the maritime mentality of the society. We can find some scientific issues of the historical, sociological, mythological, geographical and pedagogical researches. It is appropriate to discuss the moments of the social transformation in the new times, the mental relationship to the sea of the European protestant societies, the social education, technologies and preparation of seafarers.

The ideological problem of the social transformation is analyzed in the paper. The problematical line of the technological development is characterized. The ideas of the seafarers’ preparation in the higher education are revealed. The main methods such as analysis, comparison, heuristic analysis, interpretation and synthesis were used in the theoretical, retrospective and descriptive research. The universal development of the personality is a methodological principle of the research. It bases upon the conception of the integral personality by developing the maritime mentality and by internalizing the maritime culture recognized historically. Theological tendencies of the protestant technocratism and economism have promoted the development of the maritime civilization in the new times but reduced the personalistic culture at the mental level of the society. Technological modernization of the seafarers’ preparation is as a psychological compensation by ignoring the valuable approach to the potential of the seafarer’s personal self-development regarding the development of the universal maritime mentality. The combination between the directions of the European higher education and STCW Convention of the International Maritime Organization is based ontologically and anthropologically. The practical educational aspiration and valuable harmony of seafarers’ human and professional competencies are relevant and revealed for the improvement of the maritime mentality.

Keywords: maritime mentality, new times, ideology, technology, higher education.

Viršutinė Apatinė