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Straipsnis Vilniaus universiteto hidrometeorologų baigiamųjų darbų tematikos plėtra 1931–2014 metais



The Development of Subjects in the Vilnius University Hydrometeorology Study Program Master Theses from 1931 to 2014

  • Bibliographic Description: Gintaras Valiuškevičius, „Vilniaus universiteto hidrometeorologų baigiamųjų darbų tematikos plėtra 1931–2014 metais“, @eitis (lt), 2018, t. 1 073, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Gintaras Valiuškevičius, „Vilniaus universiteto hidrometeorologų baigiamųjų darbų tematikos plėtra 1931–2014 metais“, Geografija ir edukacija, 2015, t. 3, p. 66–80, ISSN 2351-6453.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Vilniaus universitetas.

Summary. In the article, the problems of development the hydrometeorology in Lithuania are analyzed. For the investigation used the Vilnius University hydrometeorologists’ (Department of Hydrology and Climatology) masters’ theses from 1931 to 2014. The study showed that in the development of students final work objects and quantitative indicators of work content conspicuously shown four phases: 1) from 1931 to 1939; 2) from 1947 to 1959; 3) from 1960 to 1991; 4) from 1992 to 2014. These stages related to the study programs reform. Brightest changes in the range of analyzed problems (reflected the shift of hydrometeorology paradigm) took place in 1960. Since 1960 masters theses has focused not only on meteorological but also on hydrological themes, has expanded study area and the qualitative and quantitative parameters of used data. A significant impact on the quantities and format of data had the information and communication systems development. Between 1931 and 2014 the masters theses has been characterized by the several improvements: 1) decline of basic data amounts, 2) increase of the summary information, 3) the growth in number of references. The data of Vilnius University Hydrology and Climatology Department’s masters theses archive can be used to analyze different questions dealing with the formation of Hydrometeorological schools in Lithuania.

Keywords: hydrometeorology, Vilnius University, master theses, paradigm.

Viršutinė Apatinė