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Studija Personažas ieško skaitytojo, arba Apie metaliteratūriškumą XX a. Vakarų romane


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A Character Searches for a Reader: Metafictionality in the 20th-Century Western Novel

  • Bibliographic Description: Nerijus Brazauskas, Personažas ieško skaitytojo, arba apie metaliteratūriškumą XX a. Vakarų romane, @eitis (lt), 2016, t. 706, ISSN 2424-421X.
  • Previous Edition: Nerijus Brazauskas, „Personažas ieško skaitytojo, arba apie metaliteratūriškumą XX a. Vakarų romane“, Darbai ir dienos, 2014, nr. 61, p. 101–140, ISSN 1392-0588.
  • Institutional Affiliation: Šiaulių universitetas.

Summary. The study deals with metafictionality and its strategies in the Western novel of the 20th century. The objects of this research are the Western modernist and postmodernist novels created in the twentieth century. The objectives of the research are: (1) to define the concept of metafictionality and other terms linked with it; 2) to analyze some particular writers’ metafictional strategies and their impact on their novels; 3) to discuss the impact of metafictionality on the reader, on his act of reading and reflection. The methodology involves Patricia Waugh’s conception of metafiction; the interdisciplinary comparative theory of Steven Totosy de Zepetnek; and Umberto Eco’s conceptions of an empirical and a model reader. The main problem of the investigation – how to explore the expressions of metafictionality in the novels and to identify the way an author intends to create metafictionality when we meet with both diachronous and synchronous phenomena – is solved uniting the above-mentioned conceptions. The working hypothesis is that metafictionality in the Western novel of the 20th century is a conscious creative and critical act which is related to the idea of the creative work, to theoretical reflection of the various discourses, and to the creation of a dialogue with the reader. A historical excursus shows that metafictionality in the novel is characteristic for novels by Cervantes, Fielding, Sterne, Diderot, and it was inspired by the way critical authors viewed the novels of their time. Five strategies of metafictionality were envisaged in the novels of the 20th century: 1) A strategy emphasizing the paratext; 2) A character writes the novel; 3) A personage comments on the novel; 4) A narrator/character communicates with the reader; 5) An author plays with the reader. All these strategies show that metafictionality is linked with making the processes of writing and reading the novel relevant. A character searches for the author in the first half of the 20th century, but in the second half of the 20th century, a character searches for the reader. A novel of the 20th century metafictionally contemplates the novel, and maybe this becomes a significant sign of its self-identification.

Keywords: novel, metafictionality, author, reader, history, fiction, metafiction, metacriticism.

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